We catalyze the New Industrial Revolution.


We are at a generational inflection point.

Industrial systems enable modern life—supply chains, manufacturing, energy, transportation. These systems are entering a moment of generational change due to tectonic shifts in geopolitics, climate response, technological innovations, workforce dynamics, and global economics.

These changes can unlock new, more equitable ways of working, huge gains in capacity and efficiency, and unprecedented economic growth. The transformation of our industrial systems will be the single biggest factor in mitigating climate change and ensuring a more secure world.

Time is of the essence. The longer it takes for industrial systems to evolve to meet the demands of this moment, the greater the risk to national and global security. Unless we act we cannot ensure that the widespread adoption of new technologies will happen quickly enough.

Unfortunately, traditional venture models are not set up to achieve success in Industrials, leaving transformational technology companies to sink—or at best, swim slowly. Industrial companies require capital partners with deep domain expertise, applicable networks, and the ability to engage over industrially-relevant timescales. The reward for being this partner is driving global impact in the world’s largest industries.

This historical moment requires a catalyst to propel change through systemic barriers.

Unless scales and accelerates the adoption of proven, paradigm-shifting industrial innovations by deploying a unique fund structure, first-hand domain expertise, and an unparalleled collective of experts to catalyze the New Industrialism.

We’re grounded in the conviction that “technology” doesn’t happen to us; it’s something we shape. It’s people, working with technologies, who drive change. The companies we empower are revitalizing human relationships with the material world by taking a human-centric approach, both by investing in talent and responsibly considering the long-term implications of the technology on the uniquely human endeavor of work. “Industry” is a human virtue as much as an economic sector.

This New Industrialism requires capital that can support the industrious human dimensions of technology: learning, skill, work, and collaboration. The technologies that drive our world are embodiments of these human activities.

Unless invests in industrial companies, with a fund structure that isn’t constrained by a 10-year fund life—so our portfolio companies aren’t either. Our commitment to backing our entrepreneurs for the long haul means they have a higher probability of achieving industrial scale efficiently and effectively.

In doing so, Unless will enable a more sustainable, resilient, and technologically advanced society that can not only effectively respond to modern events but also enhance human flourishing.

Because, like technology, the future is not something that happens to us, but rather something we shape—by exploring, evaluating, investing, and helping.

Unless: built to catalyze the New Industrial Revolution.


Unless is uniquely positioned to capitalize and accelerate the defining transformations of the coming decades.

We partner with impact-oriented industrial entrepreneurs and limited partners to transform industrial systems, guided by a proven set of Unless beliefs.

Invest in the long game.
Build for a world that works.
Employ first principles thinking.
Cultivate a prepared mind.


We can make better investments because we draw on an unmatched collective of experts that deeply understand the changes underway. Further, this network helps make our portfolio companies successful.

Leading AI researcher

at a major university in the United States. Head of one of the largest AI labs in the country, has years of experience advising the government on AI policy.

Founded one of the leading additive manufacturing companies in the industry, one of the first to achieve mass-production scale for industrial applications.

Expert in economic policy, supply chain resilience, and future of work who has served in high-level government posts spearheading efforts in these areas.

MacArthur “Genius” fellow and a thought leader on energy- and carbon-efficient engineering  in industry.

Expert on energy systems and modeling. Innovates in systems-level views of energy to inform technology and policy, particularly the roles that low-carbon-energy solutions play in meeting global climate targets.

Founded a leading Boston-based robotics company, making pioneering strides in industrial and logistics automation. He also helped create the leading robotics incubator consortium. A thought leader, he is widely known in industrial robotics circles.


We bring together exceptional teams across private and public markets and couple them with our Collective of Experts to deploy capital for maximum return and impact.


Unless is led by a team that is purpose-built to ensure exceptional outcomes, as well as a great experience, for our entrepreneurs and limited partners.

Trevor Zimmerman
Trevor Zimmerman
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
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David Mindell
David Mindell
Co-Founder and lead for the Unless Collective of Experts
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Aaron Marsh
Aaron Marsh
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Trish Rogers
Trish Rogers
General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
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Alpha Access leverages the industrial expertise of Unless to create robust portfolios that capitalize on how industrial transformations affect macroeconomic conditions, commodity prices, and company performance in public markets, unlocking additional value and further enhancing our collective prepared mind.

Josh Blanchfield
Josh Blanchfield
Partner & CIO - Perpetual Alpha
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Peter Joers
Peter Joers
Partner - Alpha Access
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Michael Polansky
Michael Polansky
Partner - Alpha Access
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